Newsletter and jokes 10 November 2023

Hi all 
Was tied up in meetings all day. 
This week's big release is The Marvels, which is showing in all formats,  
including 3D on the big screens.  
We also have the kiddies movie Butterfly Tale, and an early Christmas  
release, the musical Journey to Bethlehem.  
From Bollywood, the action thriller Tiger 3. 
Enjoy. :-) 
New this week 
* Butterfly Tale (PG V) 
* Journey to Bethlehem (PG7-9 P) 
* The Marvels (3D) (PG10-12 LV) 
* The Marvels (PG10-12 LV) 
* The Marvels (3D IMAX) (PG10-12 LV) 
* The Marvels (4DX) (PG10-12 LV) 
* Tiger 3 (Probably 13 LV)   
Forthcoming attractions  
Updated the home page poster  
List of all movies showing  
Same list sorted by Age Restriction  
Remember you can support the site by reading the ads... :-) 
Enjoy :-) 
Cheers, Ian 
This morning, my buddy and his wife had a heated argument about coffee that  
got really serious 
It was grounds for divorce. 
A ship belonging to a seafood company from Italy accidentally drops tons  
upon tons of live lobsters overboard off the coast of Maine. Upon hearing  
this news, a lobster-catcher from Maine down on his luck jumps on his boat  
to catch as many of the lobsters as he can and sell them before the Italian  
company can get them back. 
As he doesn't know quite where the lobsters had fallen into the water, he  
casts his net out and tries to capture as many lobsters as he can.  
After a number of hours, he only manages to catch about a dozen lobsters.  
Frustrated and out of patience, the lobster-catcher cuts his losses and  
sails back to shore when suddenly he hears from his lobster cage a voice  
that says, "Sir! Please don't kill us! My pals and I have done nothing to you!" 
Though shocked and confused, the lobster-catcher simply states he has been  
trying to catch lobster for hours. "I was trying to catch those lobsters  
from that Italian ship. I was told there were thousands of them, but you're  
all I got!" 
"Sir!" cries the talking lobster, "I know exactly where those lobsters are!  
I'll take you to them and trick them into getting into your net! Just let  
me and my pals go!" 
The lobster-catcher thinks for a moment and agrees. After following the  
lobster's directions to the destination, he ties the lobster to a string  
then throws the lobster in the water and waits. About 20 minutes later, the  
talking lobster comes back to the boat to the lobster-catcher. 
"They're not getting in the net, they won't listen. They just yelled at me,"  
the lobster tells the lobster-catcher. 
"What did they say?" asks the lobster-catcher. 
The lobster says, "How should I know? I don't speak Italian!" 
My friend was arrested for spray painting graffiti and he tried to deny it. 
But... the writing was on the wall. 
What do you get when you cross a hippie and a ninja? 
Peace and Quiet. 
I am not superstitious. 
I heard it's bad to believe in superstitions. 
During World War II a French cheese factory was destroyed. 
Debris was everywhere. 
My mate just watched the Chernobyl documentary and, having grown up in  
Ukraine in the 1980s, he was pretty mad. 
And I get it, too.  
He counted at least eight historical inaccuracies on one hand. 
My girlfriend asked if I wanted to start doing yoga with her. 
I said well, that puts me in an awkward position... 
There were two babies in the pram. One baby turned to 
the other baby and said: 'Are you a little girl or a little boy?' 
'I don't know,' was the giggled reply. 
'I can tell,' said the first baby gleefully, and he dived 
beneath the bedclothes and then resurfaced. 'You're a girl 
and I'm a boy,' he announced proudly. 
'That was clever,' said the baby girl. 'How could you tell?' 
'Easy! You've got pink booties and I've got blue ones.' 
The cannibal came home to find his wife chopping up snakes and a very small  
'Oh no!' he groaned. 'Not snake and pygmy pie again!' 
A guy goes with his girlfriend to stay at her parents’ house for the holidays. 
The couple live in the city and the parents live on a farm. The boyfriend  
is unused to the quiet country life and after a couple of days he’s pretty  
His girlfriend’s father comes in and says “Hey young fella if you’re looking  
for something to do, why not take the dogs out for a bit of hunting? There’s  
a shotgun behind the laundry door.”  
Guy comes back a couple of hours later, the father says “How was it?” 
“That was amazing! Have you got any more dogs?” 
My friend was showing me his tool shed. 
He pointed to a ladder. "That's my step ladder," he said. 
"I never met my real ladder." 
"Doctor, doctor!" 
"I've roast beef in one ear, Yorkshire pudding in the other ear and gravy  
all down my legs!" 
Doctor: "Hmmm. I don't think you're eating properly." 
"Doctor doctor I think I'm going deaf" and the doctor says "can you describe  
the symptoms" and he says "yes, Homer is fat and Marge has blue hair" 
I have begun reading a horror story in Braille. 
Something bad is going to happen... I can feel it. 
I wanted to teach my kids about our government, so when we were ordering  
pizza I let them vote on what toppings they wanted. Most of them wanted  
pepperoni, some Hawaiian.  
They opened the pizza boxes to find a veggie pizza.  
I explained to them that the vote was only to divide them so they couldn't  
gang up on me. I have all the money, so of course the pizza comes the way I  
want it no matter how they vote. 
Apple really is the most futuristic company out there 
They have already adjusted their prices for the next 50 years of inflation! 
Wife: I don't understand why, but you have no sense of direction whatsoever. 
Husband : Where did that come from? 
After a cow gives birth... she then de-calf-enated? 
What do you call a submissive astronaut that lifts weights? 
Neil Armstrong 
I bought a straight jacket the other day, and I'm starting to regret it. 
I thought it would be a good look, but I just can't pull it off. 

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