Newsletter and jokes 14 October 2022

Hi all 
October continues with strong horror movies. But let's start at the younger 
end. I'm having trouble getting the age restrictions for some movies, even  
after allowing for various miss-spellings on the FPB site. That includes  
our first release, Shin Ultraman, which is a Japanese sci-fi adventure that  
will probably be PG13 or thereabouts. 
From Zambia, we have Ojanoma, currently screening in Zambia, which deals  
with some magical aspects of their culture. 
In the horror department, both films were originally slated for later this  
month but have been bumped up. First is what is (allegedly, but with  
Hollywood and franchises, you never know) the final final episode in the  
long-running (since 1978!) Halloween franchise, called Halloween Ends. 
That's joined by the highly-rated Barbarian, described as the best horror  
movie of the year, and best experienced cold ... the less you know walking  
in, the better ... so skip the reviews and maybe even the trailer, just go... 
From the subcontinent, we have the medical comedy Doctor G in Hindi, and  
the historical war epic The Legend of Maula Jatt from Pakistan. 
There are previews next Thursday for Black Adam starring The Rock, in  
various formats ... see the previews page and remember to book :-) 
New this week 
* Shin Ultraman Probably PG13 
* Ojanoma Probably 13 
* Barbarian Probably 16 or 18 LNSVH 
* Halloween Ends 18 LVH 
* Doctor G (Hindi) 
* The Legend of Maula Jatt (Punjabi / Urdu)   
Forthcoming attractions  
Updated the home page poster  
List of all movies showing  
Same list sorted by Age Restriction  
This Week's pinup (cellphone wallpaper)  
Remember you can support the site by reading the ads... :-) 
Enjoy :-) 
Cheers, Ian 
I asked my dad what he was planning to do today.  
He said he was going to the optometrist and then he’d see. 
I text “just met my future husband!” to at least one friend after each  
first date, just to ensure someone has a cute anecdote to tell at our  
Everybody has a drawer in their home that contains both garbage and the  
most important documents a human can have. 
My friends and I are in a band called Duvet. 
We’re a cover band. 
A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo and doesn’t. 
I’m so sick of people thinking they can just waltz into my room when I’m  
clearly listening to music in 4/4. 
I went to a karaoke bar last night that didn’t play any ’70s music.  
At first I was afraid, oh I was petrified. 
My daughter lost a tooth today and asked if the tooth fairy was going to  
bring her five dollars.  
Not even the tooth fairy can escape this inflation. 
My husband explained to my three-year-old son that they would need to 
stop playing so he could get ready for a meeting with his boss.  
My son asked him what a boss was, and my husband explained that a boss is 
someone who gives him work and tells him what to do.  
My son’s response: “Mommy?” 
My five-year-old won an argument with me by saying,  
“I’m just going to agree with myself.” 
My six-year-old: Can I eat a cookie? 
Me: Finish your dinner first. 
My six-year-old: My stomach is full except for a circle-shaped space. 
You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think if you realized how  
seldom they do. 
Waffles are just pancakes that studied architecture in college. 
I don’t recall how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 as Roman numerals.  
Electric eels imply the existence of acoustic eels. 

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