Newsletter and jokes 20 August 2021

Hi all 
From women last week to leading men front and centre again this week. 
Starting with the little ones, PAW Patrol: The Movie has had great reviews 
and put in good performances at the box office overseas. 
The exuberantly over-the-the Free Guy released overseas last week, went 
straight to the top of the box office and should do well here. It's one of 
those movies that need to be seen in 3D. 
For the adult market, the sci-fi mystery thriller Reminiscence will take  
you down a twisty path. 
Lastly, Bollywood offers a historical spy triller in both 2D and 3D.  
No previews this week. However, I smell enhanced lockdowns coming back, 
possibly for reasons that actually have nothing to do with Covid, so best 
catch the films on the big screen while you can. 
Enjoy :-) 
New this week: 
* PAW Patrol: The Movie (A) 
* Free Guy (3D) (13 LV) 
* Free Guy (13 LV) 
* Reminiscence (16 LSV) 
* Bellbottom (3D) 
* Bellbottom   
Forthcoming attractions  
Updated the pic and quote on the home page  
This Week's pinup (full HD wallpaper ...)  
List of all movies showing  
Same list sorted by Age Restriction  
Remember you can support the site by reading the ads... :-) 
Enjoy :-) 
Cheers, Ian 
Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with  
slow Internet to see who they really are. 
I am going to continue to wear a mask, my face is worthy of a paywall. 
When I lost my rifle, the Army charged me $85.  
That’s why in the Navy, the captain goes down with the ship. 
A sign spotted outside a carpet/flooring store:  
“If it’s in stock, we got it!” 
“What would be your main strength?” 
“Well, I can communicate with animals ...” 
“Wow, impressive.  Any weaknesses?” 
“They can’t understand me.” 
When our tour group entered a cafeteria for breakfast, the woman walking  
in with me made a beeline for the carrot cake.  
But just as she reached for a slice, she thought better of it and withdrew  
her hand. As she turned away, I heard her murmur, “No, it’s too early 
for vegetables.” 
I was driving with my young twin grandsons when their mother called.  
As we chatted over the car’s Bluetooth speaker, one of the boys yelled out  
from the back,  
“Hey, Mom, guess who this is? Is it me or Luke?”  
After a slight pause, the boys’ mother remarked, “And he’s the smart one.” 
My Fitbit had stopped working, which meant I wouldn’t get any credit for  
all the steps I took during my upcoming Zumba class. 
Luckily, my husband came to the rescue. 
Handing me his Fitbit, he said, “Here, take mine. I need the exercise.” 
As a child, I truly did not understand how good I had it not having to  
decide what to eat for dinner every single night. 
Maths teacher: If I have three bottles in one hand and two in the other  
hand, what do I have? 
Student: A drinking problem. 
I try to be honest with my kids in all situations, unless I hear the ice  
cream truck coming, in which case the music means they’re all out of ice  
Little Johnny and his friend Tommy were on their very first train ride.  
A vendor selling concessions came by, and Tommy’s mother bought each child 
a candy bar. 
Johnny eagerly tore into his just as the train went into a tunnel. When the 
train emerged, Johnny saw that Tommy was still struggling with the wrapper. 
“I wouldn’t eat that if I were you,” Johnny said to Tommy.  
“Why not?” asked Tommy. 
“Because I took one bite and went blind for half a minute.” 
I’ve created an app to help with insomnia. 
It lets you talk to other really boring people until you fall asleep. 
It’s online sedating. 
I switched the labels on all my wife’s spices.  
I’m not in trouble yet, but the thyme is cumin. 

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