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The Limey

Ooh, he's so VICIOUS! A British jailbird with a violent bent hops across the Atlantic to the USA to find out how his daughter died. His investigations take him to the hip side of LA, where starlets do drugs and anything else to get a role... He finds her killer, and has to think of how to get even without getting caught.

90 minutes, No persons under 16 (Language).
Crime, Drama, Thriller, On the Art Circuit.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: In some ways, it reminds me of "Replacement Killers", with its triumph of style over substance. I found the director/editor's style irritating at times, while I'm sure some in the art crowd will ooh and aaa! The technique of having the characters change costume and location four or five times during a ten second speech is disconcerting, and you find yourself wondering what the heck the director is up to, instead of concentrating on the story.

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