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Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigalo

And so to bed.... An unspectacular aquarium cleaner manages to cause $6000 worth of damage while housesitting for a gigalo. So to raise the money, he starts impersonating his host, having to put up with a variety of weird clients. The humour may offend some people.

88 minutes, No persons under 10 (Language).

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Janet Stewart (44): Dumb - but damn funny!!

Katryna Mater (18): I thought this movie was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. Especially when that guy kept pulling his pants down to show Duece.

Andrew Simpson (17): Real toilet humour is used in this film, but despite that, it is really funny and contains a really good message on how women should be treated.

Jessica Long (12): This movie is awesome. They should make more movies like this.

Joseph Suarez 14: It was funny!

Jason Garland 13: It was the funniest movie I have ever seen!!

Bree Kennedy 16: Very good movie!!

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Magnolia The Match The Limey Isn't She Great Play it to the Bone

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