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Isn't She Great

See, I can stand on my hind legs AND beg. Based on the true story of the author of the notorious (scandalous?) "The Valley of the Dolls", we follow the struggling actress as she is swept off her feet by a press agent who is hopelessly in love with her. Under his prompting, she writes a novel, which they eventually get published. After a slow start it takes off. In the meantime, she is dealing with breast cancer...

93 minutes, No persons under 10 (Language).

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: The film gets off to a bumpy start with weak humour, but once it settles down into the story, it is much more enjoyable. Pleasant fluff, with all the characters type-cast.

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Meaningful commentary:

Magnolia The Match The Limey Deuce Bigalow Play it to the Bone

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