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My teeth are whiter than my shirt! Two New York hustlers got framed for a murder in Mississippi and were wrongfully convicted and sentenced to spend their whole lives behind bars. They turn out to become the best of friends and also discover the value of life. They spend their time plotting one useless escape attempt after the other.

108 minutes.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Isabella Balducci (21): I was in the mood for a good comedy...but LIFE is only filled with a few laughs - very disappointing! Ted Demme could have done much more with the movie concept!

Guinevere Vos (22): I was expecting so much humour in this film that when the laughs weren't coming I got so bored - a waste of Murphy's and Lawrence's talents.

Knox Bodenstein (26): I don't think the movie was intended to be just one laugh after the other. There is a lot of feeling and a seriousness to the plot. The dialogue, however is sometimes a bit lame. The make up was very good.

Andrew Simpson (17): I was very suprised to see that Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence the best comedy pair around would act in a kind of drama. Very good movie, though.

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