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Belle Maman

Gee, your mom's a real dish! A man meets his mother-in-law for the first time on his wedding day, and is immediately smitten. As time goes by, he pursues her, even back to her home in the Bahamas. She is about to marry someone else, and his wife has just had a baby, which leads to difficult moral questions: should the mother sacrifice her happiness for her daughter's?
French with English subtitles.

102 minutes.
Comedy, On the Art Circuit.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: On the good side, there are lots of good laughs in the dialogue. There is also a scene which takes restroom antics way beyond anything you've ever seen on Ally McBeal. On the bad side, the story is overly long, with too many unnecessary characters and situations which could have been cut. It was kinda weird to hear everyone in the Bahamas speaking French...

Solyda Soum (18): It is fanny to see a man fall in love with his mother-in-law. And I like hearing Catherine Deneuve singing.

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