
Crash Crash focuses on the lives of a Brentwood housewife and her DA husband, a Persian storeowner, two police detectives who are also lovers, an African-American television director and his wife, a Mexican locksmith, two carjackers, a rookie cop and a middle-aged Korean couple who live in L.A., and during the next 36 hours, their lives will all collide. This compelling urban drama follows the volatile intersections of a multi-ethnic cast of characters as they struggle to overcome their fears, while reminding us of the importance of tolerance.

13 No persons under 13 (Language, Violence, Prejudice)
108 minutes

Press and viewer ratings, etc.


CastSandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, William Fichtner, Brendan Fraser, Terrence Dashon Howard, Ludacris, Thandie Newton, Ryan Phillippe
DirectorPaul Haggis
Formats DVDVHS
SA DistributorNu Metro

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