This Girl's Life

This Girl's Life THIS GIRL'S LIFE takes a peek into the world of a young female porn star named Moon (Juliette Marquis). She is one of the most popular porn stars around — a woman who is sexually uninhibited, she prides herself on always being in control of her life.

However, events begin to change when Moon decides to leave the industry. She wants to take care of her ailing father (James Woods) who is in the late stages of Parkinson's.

18 No persons under 18 (Language, Sex)
101 minutes


CastJames Woods, Juliette Marquis, Kip Pardue, Michael Rapaport, Tomas Arana, Rosario Dawson, Ioan Gruffudd, Isaiah Washington, Cheyenne Silver
Formats DVDVHS
SA DistributorSter-Kinekor

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