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Space Cowboys

The good, the bad and the ugly... At the start of the space program, a group of 4 astronauts were bumped off the space program. Now, a satellite system one of them designed, and which ended up in a Russian satellite, is malfunctioning, and needs urgent repairs. The only team capable of the job is those 4 old-timers, who NASA reluctantly agrees to send into space for their first and last mission...

127 minutes, Parental Guidance (Language).
Action, Comedy, Drama, Male conflict & bonding, Thriller.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Ian Douglas: A real crowd pleaser, it never reaches any great heights but still manages to entertain. It was something of a surprise sleeper hit in the USA.

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