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What do you mean, Let's do something kinky? A young woman has been going out with a male model for a few months, and he has lost interest in sex. Feeling frustrated and unfulfilled, she begins having brief sexual affairs which get progressively more bizarre. Then she gets pregnant and has a baby.
French with English subtitles.

95 minutes, No persons under 18 (Nudity, Sex, Language).
Drama, Romance, Sex, Female interest, On the Art Circuit.

Read the comments from Ian.
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The Moviesite Fan Club comments

Terri Armitage (20): Not all art films are deep, meaningful and intense. This film is none of these. It was not the graphic scenes of sex that offended me - as I am relatively difficult to offend - but the lack of motivation for them. The film dragged endlessly and I was happy to not see any sexual practise (or organs) for a lengthy period. Not for me, and I shudder to think of anyone who actually enjoyed it.

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