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Species 2

Wearing these clothes is really irritating. Carrying on from where the original left off, our beautiful alien is now a captive under examination. An astronaut returns from Mars, and after killing a few women, decides he needs to mate with Eve. Such a union would have terrible consequences and the powers that be do everything possible to stop it happening.
Seems that Natasha mostly keeps her clothes on this time around. Damn.

92 minutes, No persons under 18 (Sex, Violence).

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
André Mes: The only thing that really made this film watchable is the beautiful Natasha, otherwise, the film disappoints especially with the script. More gory than its predescessor, it charges along with graphic violence, second-rate acting and average special effects. And did they have to leave it open for another sequel????

Christo Engelbrecht: The best part was to look at Natasha.

Shaun Myburg: One of the better sci-fi/horror sequels in my opinion, great effects, good twist to the Species storyline and an ice-cool performance by one of my faves, Michael Madsen. Natasha Henstridge proves that you don't have to be human to be sexy, which I am afraid is the main reason people will see this film. She is truly a beautiful woman. An otherwise thrilling movie if you liked the first one.

Robert Haynes: A fun sexy horror romp that transcends the boundaries of good taste on many occasions. If you're easily offended steer well clear. If like me you like your viscera served straight you should have a good time with this one. Other than some unusually lousy dialogue it never pretends to be more than what it is. A blood and guts B-movie done on a budget !!! Have fun !!!

Roger Vieira: I enjoyed the whole movie.

Claire Nicole: The start of the movie was good but then it trailed off and got boring at the end.

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