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Ulee's Gold

What's that worth? When Ulee's incarcerated son calls him asking for a favour, the terse family patriarch reluctantly agrees: He'll rescue his son's estranged wife from a pair of hoodlums holding her hostage for a stockpile of cash owed to them. But saving Helen, a recovering drug addict, is no easy task; only with the help of a kindly local nurse and his recalcitrant granddaughters can Ulee wrest control of a volatile situation that holds his family in crisis and his own life in danger.

111 minutes, No persons under 13 (Language).

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
Bruce Humphrey: "The bees and I have an agreement - I care for them and they care for me". This is a brooding yet brilliantly acted art movie. Peter Fonda deserved his golden globe award!

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