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Mad City

So do you come here often? A fired museum security guard goes back to the museum - gun in hand - to claim his job back. Things don't work out quite as planned, and he ends up the unwilling baddie in a hostage situation. Enter a sleaze-bag reporter looking to make his name rather than report the news. They cut an 'exclusive' deal, resulting in massive media coverage of the situation.

The film is supposed to examine the role of the media in modern society but critics complain that it does not break any fresh ground.

114 minutes "), Parental Guidance under 13.

You can usually find additional (copyrighted) pictures, trailers, etc, on the Official Site.

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The Moviesite Fan Club comments
Bruce Humphrey: Makes one think of Princess Di. Just how far is the media justified in reporting on and even manipulating the outcome of people's lives? Excellent acting from Dustin Hofman and John Travolta. Don't go and see this movie expecting to be entertained with action - it is thought-provoking drama. I really enjoyed it.

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